Hello everyone! I'm currently in class right now but my teacher is out because she underwent surgery over winter break and she's in recovery. For the past week I've been reading during class, but today I thought I'm post a little discussion.
Lately, I've been going through my Goodreads to-read shelf and realizing that a lot of the books on that shelf are ones that I don't remember even adding. Being incompetent with technology, I didn't realize that I could mass delete books and thought I could only delete books individually. Of course I was too lazy to actually go through with that since that shelf had around 400 books.
Then today I clicked on this magical link called Batch Edit and all of a sudden, I could delete books in bulk. It was actually really entertaining to go through all 400 something of those books and delete ones that just didn't interest me at all. While getting rid of my online TBR is one thing, the massive amount of books I own that I still need to read is still overwhelming.
I consider myself to be pretty good at limiting my spending when it comes to buying books. I actually buy more e-books than physical ones because I have a gigantic stack of gift cards for Barnes and Noble and my mentality is that I can get so many more e-books than physical ones with that money. (Don't ask.) I can't even begin to count how many e-books I have and I'm actually afraid to even try. My physical bookshelf is also constantly growing. I have a weak spot for cheap books as I'm sure everyone does and my library sales are the best thing in the world.
The majority of my books are in fact from second hand places and I have this weird habit of buying a book I really want to read and then leaving it to collect dust on my shelf.
Well...I've come to realize that once the book is in my possession, I fall into this stage where I am content that I own the book and then I push it off. Since I already own the book, it can't possibly go anywhere so I can just let it sit there on my shelves while I go read books that I've borrowed from the library.
So the whole point of this post was to rant about my TBR which I think everyone has done as some point. My Goodreads TBR shelf is now at 226 but my physical TBR shelf is still overflowing and growing by the minute. Still, the couple of minutes after I deleted all those books from my to-read shelf did leave me feeling a sense of victory even though it was short lived.
Let me know your thoughts on this topic! Reading back, there are still things I want to say but I'm so scatterbrained that I'll save it for another post. Thanks for reading~
Foreverly Obsessed,
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