Thursday, February 27, 2014

Life of A Blogger: Guilty Pleasures

Hey everybody! Today I'm introducing a brand new feature to the blog :) I came across this after reading Singing and Reading in the Rain's post on being an Introvert vs. Extrovert. This feature was created by Jessi from Novel Heartbeat and I thought I'd give it a go. These are posted every Thursday so sorry that I don't have a Quoting Thursday this month. >.< Anyway, if you haven't figured out from the title, the topic this week is *drumrollllll* GUILTY PLEASURES

Wow um...that's a hard topic to start on.  Hm...let me think about this. Okay, I think I've got this but they are in no particular order!

Reading on weekend mornings
Well reading in general, but I love sneaking a book into my room and waking up around 8ish but staying underneath the covers until 10 reading.

Listening to music
I don't think I need to explain, it's pretty self-explanatory.

Eating chocolate
I tried not putting this as the first one . You know that feeling when you eat a piece of chocolate that you're not supposed to eat? Yup, it feels so dangerous, but the chocolate tastes 10x as good but only eat one piece!

Staring out the car window
You know what I'm talking out? Just sitting in the back of the car with your music playing and taking in the scenery as they whiz by.

Writing in a journal
It's a simple and sometimes mundane thing to do, but in the future when you read back on previous entries, they are sure to make you wistful and smile.

Burning a candle
And just staring at, it's just so cool and I could probably do it for like an hour...and burn some hair...

So those are some of my guilty pleasures that I could think of off the top of my head. Oh, also another piece of exciting news!! We finally have our BLOG BUTTON up and running! Took a while because I'm technologically stupid, but I've figured it out! It's on the side so please pick it up if you would like! Here's just a blown up version of what it looks like :)

Forever Obsession Blog Button photo tumblr_m9e0z3ivFv1rrnekqo1_1280.jpg

So pretty~~~~ Anyway, that's it for this post! I'll see you guys in MARCH!! 

Foreverly Obsessed,


  1. Chocolate is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine as well! I want some now!

    1. Agreed!! I need some ASAP :) Thanks so much for commenting :D

  2. CANDLES! I love candles. Especially Yankee ones, it's a shame they're so expensive :(
    There's nothing like staying in bed and reading!

    Jessi @ Novel Heartbeat

    1. I know right!! I usually end up buying the little sampler/tea light candles because they're cheaper and you can get more scents for less. :) Thanks so much for commenting :P

  3. Replies
    1. It's sooooo good!! Ahhh, thanks so much, you just made my day :) <33333 Thanks so much for commenting!!
