Wednesday, November 30, 2016

December TBR

Hello everyone! It feels like 500 years since I've actually posted something bookish related and not a bunch of updates on how I've been MIA and not actually posting anything to follow up. 2016 is almost over and I have read less than 10 books in the past four months which is driving me crazy. So today, I'm going to be sharing with everyone a couple of books that I am determined to read before the end of the year. Hopefully I can finish them all!

大家好! 我今天終於有一個書的博客文章和大家分享。2016 年幾乎結束,我在過去四個月讀了少於十本書讓我快瘋了。今天,我要跟大家分享一些我決定在年底前想讀的書。希望我可以讀完所有的書!

(Click the covers to go to Goodreads!)

Most of these books are ones that I've wanted to read for a while but never got around to, or are recent releases that I'm super excited for. I did receive one for review so I definitely need to get that one read and reviewed before Christmas. I threw The Book Thief in just as a reread since I brought it all the way to college with me and didn't read it yet. 

這些書是我已經一段時間想讀了但沒有時間或新出來的書。有一本書是作者給了我所以我需要在聖誕節前讀完和寫我的想法跟大家分享。我包括 The Book Thief 因為我把它帶到大學來但我沒有時間重讀所以我絕對要在2016年結束前有機會重讀他。

Alright, that's my list! I feel like six books shouldn't be too hard but with my terrible slump who knows what will happen. Fingers crossed I get through them all and break out of my slump in time for the New Year! 


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