Okay, so this week I chose Story which is currently rocking my Gmail and Facebook Statuses.
So, some lines from the song that stood out to me:
You're living your life like something you've read
Always just a couple lines ahead
Just dying to know how it all works out
Hehe, erm...guilty of that for sure. Well at least I try. I mean, how many of us haven't read a book and wished that our lives were like that? And if there was a girl or guy character that really stood out, wouldn't you try to be him/her? If not, I guess that only happens with me?
Oh, what's the point
Of reading the last page before you can even start?
Just have faith that getting there can be the best part
AHHH, cute verse numero one!! Well, not exactly cute, but it's really...inspirational? Yeah...dunno how to describe my fangirling over this verse...any ideas? Comment them below!!
Go on, predict the plot
While I sit right here wondering where you are
What good's a perfect ending
If you just pretend to see that far
I'm on your side, don't get me wrong
I wanna write this story too
Not one you've already written, no
I'd rather make it up with you
Alright, skipped that chorus and second verse to get to my baby: *drumroll* THE BRIDGE!! OMGAWD this is perfection. Seriously, if a guy says that to me, I'm gonna be like, dude marry me already! Sorry, huge sucker for cute things, but come on! "I'd rather make it up with you~~" It can't get any more beautiful than that.
So that's my rant and rave over the ridiculously beautifully written verses.
5 out of 5 stars
Foreverly Obsessed,
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